Monday, June 29, 2009


  • How was your first week of stay at MCL?
- I would describe my first week of stay at MCL as the "coping and adjustment period" as I stepped into my college life. I can still remember the feeling that I felt during my first day in college- nervous, and on the other hand, excited. Nervous because I didn't know anyone yet and there were many groups of people there, and everywhere. I felt afraid that I might do something wrong or embarrassing because I thought that they were all looking at me. On the other hand, I also felt excited because I wondered how is it going to be in college, who my classmates would be, and if I'm going to be friends with all of them.

And now, I felt glad that I had already met new friends and we were able to have a bonding in that short span of time.

  • Describe your professors. What are the traits do you find positive in each one?
- The first professor that we've met was Prof. Henry L. Paz, our DRAW021W professor. I find him strict at first, but then I realized that what he does is what's best for us. He wanted us to achieve that heart of perfection, to possess patience and perseverance, and to bear in our minds the word "speed" so that we could be skillful in engineering drawing, and that factor would help us to become productive and sought-after engineers of the future by the industry as what one of the MCL's mission is about.

The next professor that we've met was Ma'am Gargasin, our first professor in SS016. I find her as one of the liveliest professors at MCL that I've met. I did not felt bored on her SS016 because she has her own unique way of teaching which made the course enjoyable.

And now, 16 students of our class [including me] had been transferred into another section of SS016 which is handled by Ma'am Bobiles. I would say that I'm still coping and making some adjustments with her way of teaching and as well as our new section with SS016, but I'm sure that I will be able to deal with it soon.

Third was our MATH011 professor, Engr. Ria Grace Abdon. When I saw her entered the room during our first meeting, I felt amazed because this was the first time that I had a female teacher in math. Ma'am Abdon was really good in mathematics. I would say that I was inspired by her, that's why I told myself that someday, I'm gonna be like her.. an ENGINEER! :))

Then, we've met Prof. Mondez, our VE011 professor. She is also one of the liveliest professors that I've met at MCL. Because of her way of teaching, I now find Values Education as one of the most enjoyable course at MCL. Not only does it improves ourselves individually but also gives us opportunity to get to know our blockmates better.

Next was I think the most liveliest professor that I've met not only at MCL but also aside from my previous schools, Ma'am Rowena dela Cruz or simply Ma'am DC. I think that not only me, but also everyone in the class enjoys her subject as well as her way of teaching. Very lively, enjoyable, and what's most important is that we are learning.

And then next was our IT001L professor, Mr. Leonnel D. de Mesa. Well. all I can say about Prof. Nel is that he is kind.

Next on the list was Ma'am Sudaprasert, our ENG011 professor. I think she's not that "masungit" type of professor. I was also amazed by her when I knew that she had worked in Thailand and that her husband was a Thai.

The last professor that we've met was our PE021 professor, Prof. Mendel. At first, I thought that he is very serious and "masungit". But when the orientation with our first meeting with him started, I realized that I was wrong. He's also one of the liveliest professors at MCL, and he has a very good sense of humor indeed.

So far, we do not have a "terror" professor yet. :))

  • Describe your blockmates/section. What do you think are the strengths and weaknesses of your section?
- At first, I thought that my blockmates were snobbish types of people. But after my two weeks of stay at MCL, I realized that what I think of them was actually wrong.

There's this group of guys who were the noisiest in the class. [haha.. :))] They were so "makulit", and sometimes I can't help but to laugh because of them. :))

On the other hand, there were also serious types of people and loners in the class. I'm not quite sure if that's because of their shyness, I really don't know.

There were also types of people that you might think the "bad ones" at first until you realize that what you think of them was actually their opposites.

I think the strength of the section would be the help we give to one another in terms of those difficult assignments that we could not solve. Our section's weakness, on the other hand, can be obviously seen before and after the class- groups of people here and there. In short, we were not united as one. I'm not quite sure if why it is like that, but maybe it's because of our different interests in life.

  • How do you find your courses? Which ones do you think are easy and which ones do you think are a little bit challenging? Why?
- I find all my courses challenging, but the most challenging course for me was DRAW021W and MATH011 because I'm in an engineering coure. DRAW021W was very challenging because it requires a long patience, perseverance, speed, neatness, and a skillful hand in every drawing excercise. MATH011 was also a very challenging course because it requires a critical thinking ability in every equations and problem solving, and you must analyze them first in order for you to solve it.

  • Do you have any adjustment you feel you are going through or must go through? What are they? Cite examples in terms in your academics, emotions, and social environment.
- Well, since I'm in my first year of college, it is only a natural feeling to go through adjustments for it is merely a part of it.

In terms of my academics, I would say that I'm in the adjustment period of coping with "pressure". I feel worried whenever I think about the long exams as well as the final exams. I can't help but to think if I will be able to pass on those examinations. I don't want to get a failing grade in any course and that's the reason why I study hard.

In terms of my emotions, I would say that sometimes, I feel like I'm starting to doubt myself. But I'm trying to work things out, to develop a positive attitude and perspective in everything. Whenever I start to doubt myself, I just tell myself never to give up and "kaya ko 'to"!

And lastly, in terms of social environment. I'm thankful because I'm still in a block section, that I don't have to meet new people all the time or every after one course. I have already adjusted with my blockmates now, with their different attitudes, behavior, and their way of socializing with one another. But I know that when the second term/sem comes, there must be another adjustment that should be done, and I'm praparing myself for that.


  • How does Values Education work to your advantage?
- Every person has their own values but it is according to them on how will they apply it on their everyday lives. Values should be applied rightfully because it is a one big factor where the success or failure of a person relies upon. And that's what Values Education's goal is - to teach every person the right values they should possess.

Values Education works to my advantage in a way that it teaches the students on how to develop positive attitude in college and to enjoy college life. It also helps us students to develop into a better person which can lead us to success and become a well-mannered and righteous citizen of the country.

  • After you have processed your first few experiences at MCL, in what way this will help you achieve successful adjustment in college?
- My first week of stay at MCL has been tough because of those assignments, requirements, and a quiz on a particular subject. Although it has been tough, I can say that it has also been an enjoyable experience meeting new friends and knowing that our professors can make the discussion interesting and not boring, and enjoyable but at the same time, we are learning. And that's what matters most. Those few experiences that I've mentioned are the factors that I think will help me achieve successful adjustment in college because they gave me not only the ideas, but most especially the reality, the realistic point of view on becoming a college student. Those few experiences also helped me develop a positive and responsible attitude in college which will help and bring me to success.

  • Analyze your readiness for college using the checklist "Making Transition from High School to College".
- I am now in my first year of college but i still ask myself, "How ready am I for this new kind of challenge?". Then I realized that there should be a serious and major change in order for me to adapt and cope with this new kind of environment. All of us undergo this kind of transitional period wherein we must be able to face the next stage of our lives. And that's the first challenge a college freshman student, like me faces.

First, making transition from high school to college is not that easy. I've spent four years of my life in high school doing some kiddie and crazy stuffs, having some gimmicks, and sometimes having that happy-go-lucky attitude but always knowing my limitations, and most importantly learning new things.

And now, it comes to a point that almost all of the things that I used to do when I was in high school had to change. That "easygoing" type of attitude must be taken away. You should be responsible enough to copy the lesson, do the seat works and assignments and most especially, to study.

During high school, students usually exchange notes or works copying each other's assignments but this should not be implied in college. You must learn to do things on your own. Yes, you may be friends with your classmates but you will not be able to get along with them all the time because of your different schedules. This only means that as a college student, you must be able to do things independently for what your future will be is in your hands.

Being mature is also a part of the list. I have committed a lot of mistakes and imperfections during my high school days and until now, I still do. But what's important is that I've learned from it. Those experiences only made me stronger and gave me the courage to go on, serving as my guide as I face these new challenges that lies ahead.

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