Thursday, August 6, 2009


“The Most Challenging Thing I have ever Accomplished”

The most challenging thing I have ever accomplished, so far, was being the valedictorian when I was in grade 6 and 4th year high school. I also consider them as the greatest accomplishments I have ever made. That was really a big and challenging responsibility for me as a student.

First, I have to take my responsibilities not only as a student, but also as a daughter, and as a friend. As a student, I have to study hard, do my assignments and projects, review for my quizzes, recitations, and exams, and participate in the class. At the same time, as a daughter of my parents, I also have to do the tasks that are assigned to me in the house like for example, doing the household chores. But, despite of having those responsibilities, I still make it a point to relax, have fun and quality time with my friends, and enjoy my life as a youth. Well I guess it's just a matter of time management. :]

Aside from that, my emotional feelings had also been a factor that made my way in reaching my goal a challenging one. During my high school days was when I started to experience much peer and heart-related problems. [hehe..] There was a time that I felt bored in going to school because there was nobody talking to me and I felt that they didn't liked me at all. Also during this time was when I first experienced to get hurt. That instance had caused destruction in my studies. I admit that those problems had almost caused me to give up and breakdown. But then, I came to realize that I have learned enough from those experiences which only made me stronger and wiser. And after all, those were parts of life. :]

There had been competitions, problems and trials, and many more factors that seemed to destruct me along the way, but I never gave up on making and reaching my way to the top. Hard work, perseverance, discipline, peace of mind, commitment and dedication to my studies, knowledge, positive attitude, determination, a balanced life, and having the "will" or "eagerness" towards success drove me to what I have dreamed of.

I am proud of myself and I know that the people around me, especially my parents were very proud of me, too, because of what I have accomplished. Everything that I have achieved, I owe it to them and to God, because without them, I will not be what I am now. :]

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