Tuesday, August 11, 2009


  1. For one week, challenge yourself to:
  • Get high score in a quiz or seatwork,
  • To recite in class at least once in any courses;
  • To submit a quality assignment or requirement

  • What challenge did you take?
- The challenge that I took was getting a high score in a quiz or seatwork.
  • Were you able to beat the challenge? How do you feel about it?
- I am glad to say that I am able to beat the challenge. In fact, I got a perfect score in our quiz in HUM011 and also a high score in our surprise quiz in SS016 although I didn't have much time to study. I really felt satisfied and proud of myself with the scores that I got.
  • What have you realized/learned from your experience?
- What I have realized from my experience is that I can really achieve or get what I want if I will do my best and give my best shot in everything. I have learned that I can achieve excellence If I am really focused and determined to achieve it. Doing the best that I can in everything, with full effort and dedication will surely help me achieve my goals.

2. “An Inconvenient Truth” staring Al Gore, directed by Davis Guggenheim.
  • The most striking scene in the movie
- For me, the most striking scene in the movie was the possibility of the collapse of the major ice sheets in some parts of the world which in result, could raise global sea levels producing flood to the areas along the coast, which in turn could produce millions of refugees.
  • Your feelings and emotions while watching the movie
- When I watched the movie "An Inconvenient Truth", I really felt shocked with the consequences and effects that are happening in the world today, which are also possible to occur in the future. I felt pity for those people who have been much affected by the global warming, the destruction of the nature. Some of them were homeless, while some died.
  • Your realization after watching the movie
- After watching the movie, I have realized that we, as persons living in this world, should be responsible and should take charge with what is happening in our entire planet today. We are the cause of the nature's destruction and that is why we are now paying for what we have done. We are suffering as a result of our irresponsibility to our nature. What our world had become today was merely because of us. But we, being responsible for our planet's condition, should also be responsible for making big steps and ways in taking care of the environment. Based from the information that I have read, it is impossible to stop global warming. But we could always make a way to lessen its effects and dangers.
  • The specific actions you can commit to take care of the environment
- I can take care of the environment with my own little ways. I will put the garbage in the trash can. I will recycle and reuse things as much as possible. I will use environmental-friendly products. I will turn off electrically operated things or appliances when they're not in use. I can also join in an environmental organization in our community, if there is any. I'm sure that if only everyone of us practice these "little" but very helpful ways to help in preserving and taking care of the environment then, we could all contribute to lessen the effects of the global warming.

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