Thursday, August 20, 2009


Realizations and Plans about My Health

Actually, I am really not that concerned about my health before. I am much concerned about my studies that I don't always have enough time to sleep or take a rest, sacrificing my health. I always finish first those things that must be done before I go to sleep. And in the morning, I still wake up early to do or finish other things which I am not able to finish. Because of that, I am not able to have at least 8 hours of sleep which is the enough time of sleeping. Laziness, headache, and stress were the effects of these which are not really good for me.

My parents were starting to worry about my health condition, and because of that, I have realized that I should and must take time to have enough rest despite of my busy schedule so that I can gain enough strength for everyday. I will make sure that I will be much concerned about my health from now on because I have realized that to have a healthy mind, I must also have healthy body.

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