Thursday, August 20, 2009


  • How do you describe a responsible person?
- For me, a responsible person is someone who always takes charge or takes action for things that must be done. Being responsible enough requires a person to do and finish his duties and obligations within a given time. Also, a responsible person has the ability to manage the tasks assigned to him and has a systematized way of doing things. And with that systematized way, he was able to accomplish things.
  • What are your responsibilities
  1. at home
- My responsibilities at home include my responsibilities as a member of our family. Those responsibilities were: to obey my parents, show respect, love, and care, and give help to each member of the family, do the household chores or other tasks that are assigned to me, and most importantly, to be the best daughter to my parents and be the best sister to my siblings.

2. in school

- In school, it is my responsibility to study hard and persevere in every subject/course, to obey the rules and regulations implemented in our school, to show respect not only to the professors but also to other staffs of the school, and lastly, to set goals and take my obligations and duties seriously that a student should prioritize.

3. in your community

- In our community, I am responsible in improving my capabilities and abilities as part of it, doing my best in every task that is assigned to me, to participate in our community activities, and most importantly, to be a productive and contributing part of our community. I must make sure that I will not fail in taking my responsibilities and in meeting what others are expecting of me.

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